Transformation is Grounded in Community
By: Sommer Mitchell We have all heard the numbers over and over again about how poorly New Mexico ranks in education. Despite legislative committees and taskforces repeatedly acknowledging that our schools are under-resourced, state legislative efforts fail to resolve these critical issues year after year. This is precisely why a lawsuit against the state became…
NMSU Borderlands and Ethnic Studies – SUCCESS Snapshot

SUCCESS Snapshot By: Dr. Dulcinea Lara Associate Professor in Criminal Justice and Director of the Borderlands & Ethnic Studies program at NMSU A New Day, A New Education for New Mexico While my family identifies as Mexican American, recently unearthed ancestry links us to Apache and Rarámuri peoples. Our presence in this region is at…
Las Cruces Green Chamber of Commerce – SUCCESS Snapshot
SUCCESS Snapshot By Carrie Hamblen CEO/President of the Las Cruces Green Chamber of Commerce Education and Job Training Vital to Healthy Economic Growth When I was a kid, being raised by a single mother, going to college and getting a job were key points in my upbringing. In our household, getting good grades in high…
Our Children Thrive When We Support Fathers as a Community.
By: Sommer Mitchell According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 24 million children in America live in homes that are absent from their biological father. That’s one out of every three! This staggering statistic affects child development on so many levels. Children who live in homes absent of their father are more likely to live in…
NMSU College of Education – SUCCESS Snapshot
NMSU College of Education The College of Education held an inaugural Challenge Coin Welcome Ceremony for the freshmen class. Students are invited to return the second year to receive a second coin, the third year for the third coin; and most importantly to graduate and receive the fourth coin. We want to make an impression…
The Bridge of Southern New Mexico – SUCCESS Snapshot
Success Snapshot By Tracey Bryan The Bridge of Southern New Mexico Building Bridges for Student Success As a member of our community’s SUCCESS Partnership, The Bridge of Southern New Mexico has been a key partner in much of the work at the latter end of the cradle-to-career continuum – from boosting high school graduation and…
Home Visiting, The Key Partnership to Improving Child and Family Well-being.
By: Sommer Mitchell Did you know that early models of home visiting have been around since the 1800s? It was part of the initial kindergarten movement that was funded by philanthropic groups. These groups taught young children in the mornings and did home visiting in the neighborhoods in the afternoons. These early models were designed…
Action Networks Are in Motion to Advance Early Childhood Education
By: Sommer Mitchell We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. ~ Aristotle The Doña Ana County Early Childhood Education Coalition is strategically moving forward in efforts to mobilize Early Childhood Education (ECE) across the County. The abundant energy present during the ECE Summit in July was still going…
Doña Ana County initiates action networks for early childhood education
The SUCCESS Partnership and the Doña Ana County Early Childhood Education Coalition hosted 64 attendees at St. Paul’s Methodist Church in Las Cruces on July 11th for the 2019 Early Childhood Education Summit. ‘Succeeding Together’ was the theme this year, with the hope to increase stakeholder involvement, reunite with current coalition members, and continue to…
Infant mental health endorsement trainings travel across New Mexico
Mental health is often associated with the social and psychological well-being of adults. Ruth Ortiz specializes in mental health that reaches a different population—infants. Ortiz is the President of the New Mexico Association for Infant Mental Health (NMAIMH). The organization has been an established 501 (c) (3) nonprofit since 2016 and is based in Albuquerque,…