Engaging families to promote student success through out of school programs

At the end of the day, as students begin packing their backpacks, many prepare to leave the classroom behind, but learning doesn’t end with the last bell nor should it stop once they leave school. According to the New Mexico Out-of-School-Time (NMOST) Network, our students only spend about 20% of their waking hours in a traditional…

A New Leaders Circle Steering Team

The SUCCESS Partnership Leaders Circle Steering Team had their first meeting on January 17. The Steering Team was formed through an election process within the Leaders Circle in the fall of 2018. Our new Steering team includes an abundance of expertise in various fields including education. The Steering Team is setting ideas into action for…

Cruces Creatives to Create Pilot Exhibits for Children’s Mobile Museum

As the mobile children’s museum project advances forward, with an $8,000 grant from Bank of America, and the $5,000 Devasthali Family grant through the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico with plans to pilot exhibits for the community is underway. The children’s museum committee has partnered with Cruces Creatives, a nonprofit makerspace to craft the…

NM Workforce Connection links parents to opportunities

Staff from the Las Cruces office of New Mexico Workforce Connection partnered with the Bridge of Southern New Mexico, Ngage New Mexico, and the SUCCESS Partnership to host listening sessions with 18 parents of young children who wanted to learn more about job resources and educational opportunities. Two Parent Workforce Connection events took place in…

Educators Appreciated With a Celebration Dinner

Before the commencement of the school year, teachers were appreciated with a dinner at Nissan of Las Cruces on August 2. Over 50 teachers, who teach grades ranging from preschool to high school, attended the event. Teachers had the opportunity to network with one another and learn about local home visiting services.   Tots Early…

A Healthy Dads Day Out in Anthony

Fathers were encouraged to embrace self-care and tend to their health at the Healthy Dads Day Out event on June 30 at the Anthony Water & Sanitation District, in Anthony, New Mexico. Twenty community partners hosted a half-day full of games, prizes, and vital health information for dads and father figures. United Healthcare provided fathers…

Early childhood educators selected to attend national conferences  

The Doña Ana County Early Childhood Education (ECE) Coalition has sponsored a brand new scholarship opportunity with funds from La Clinica de Familia, and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to support our local ECE educators. A total of 16 scholarships were awarded to educators, who work with children ages 0-8, to attend national conferences this fall…

Local Head Start’s role in change for early childhood education

LAS CRUCES – Doña Ana County holds a wide variety of services for young children and their families; many of which are fairly unknown to the community. For instance, Head Start (3 and 4 year olds) and Early Head Start (expectant moms and children under 3) serve 848 expectant moms and children under 5 throughout the county. I’ve…

Investments in early childhood have best return

The one occupation most adults will have is that of a parent, but most adults have little or no training in how to parent or even what to expect from their children as they move through various stages of development. “Is that normal?”  “What should she be doing at this age?”  “How can I help…